1. Description
Exr2Toc application is the utility for Cinelerra non-linear video editing program. We wrote Exr2Toc for our needs to simplify creation of the TOC index files from EXR image sequences for cinelerra application. 2. RequirementsGNU/Linux OS, Python interpreter with PyGtk 2.3.90 or later. All modern Linux distibutives contain these application and libraries by default. 3. Installation instructionsUnpack exr2toc.zip file to any folder you like. To run application you need to make double click on exr2toc.py file. If this file opens in text editor then you should try following variant: right click on the file and choose "Open with Other Application". In the dialog window choose "Other" and type "python" in the editbox. Now this application will run successfuly after double-click on exr2toc.py file. As alternative option you may run application from command line using following command (but first you need to change directory to those where exr2toc.py file is located): #python exr2toc.py or #./exr2toc.py 4. Usagea) Run application. Figure 1 - Exr2Toc Main Form b) Press "Choose Directory for Generating TOC" and select directory containing corresponding EXR image sequence.
Figure 2 - Exr2Toc After Directory Selection
c) Set correct values for image width, height and frame rate. d) Click "Start Indexing". Result TOC file (index.toc) will be placed in image sequence directory.
Figure 3 - Exr2Toc Indexing Results 5. License Agreement
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License or any later version.