List of the Recommended Applications for CG Workstation Print


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There is a lot of applications with open source code for Computer Graphics Workstation. But most of the people didn't even hear about these great applications. The purpose of this article is to tell about some of the usefull programs for CG Workstation. We didn't write about all usefull programs and utilities but this list will be updating constantly.

List of the recommended applications for CG Workstation:

ApplicationLocation Description
Web browser
Firefox (Iceweasel in Debian)
Part of distributive Well known web browser.
This is default web browser in Ubuntu (in Debian you may have to install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic)
Email client
Evolution Part of distributive
Email client in MS Outlook style This is default email client in Ubuntu and Debian
News reader
Part of distributive This newsreader, loosely based on Agent and Gravity, which attempts to be pleasant to use for new and advanced users alike. It has all the typical features found in newsreaders and also supports offline newsreading,
sophisticated filtering, multiple connections, and a number of extra features
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Text editor
Part of distributive
Simple text editor
This is default text editor in Ubuntu and Debian
Multi-purpose text and source code editor
Part of ditributive
Powerful text editor, supports different encodings
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Viewing PostScript
Part of distributive
Comfortable viewer of PostScript and PDF files for the X Window System. It uses the ghostscript PostScript interpreter
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Part of distributive KGhostview is KDE's PostScript viewer
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Viewing PDF
Adobe Reader (Prop) download
Perfect pdf viewer Use installer from downloaded package
Gpdf Part of distributive Very good default pdf viewer
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Kpdf Part of distributive Optional pdf viewer
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Creating PDF
Any Linux WYSIWYG program -> print to file -> ps2pdf. (Here's an article about this)   
Scribus Part of distributive Professional publishing system
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Graphic files viewer
Eye of Gnome
Part of distributive Default image viewer
Deafult image viewer in Ubuntu and Debian
Part of distributive Alternativesystem image viewer
Deafult image viewer in Ubuntu and Debian
Part of distributive KDE default image viewer
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Part of distributive Very nice image viewer (KDE)
you may install it using package manager utility apt-get or Synaptic
Powerful graphic editor in PhotoShop style
Gimp Part of distributive
Powerful image editor. One of the most important parts of the CG Workstation
It is installed by default both in Debian and Ubuntu

Part of the Debian distributive

source download

Much like the Gimp application but it works with 16 and even 32 bit per channel images Detailed instructions will be covered in other article of this section
Programs for work with vector graphics
Part of distributive
Great vector graphics editor. Anothervery important part of the CG Workstation
It is installed by default in both Ubuntu and Debian
Flash playing
Plugin for Netscape/Mozilla
Part of distributive
Useful for viewing flash in browser
You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic
Part of distributive
Great 3D graphics editor and one of the most improtant parts of the CG Workstation
Installed by default in both Ubuntu and Debian
DVD and Video / mpeg4 players
Mplayer (Frontend: Kplayer, Gmplayer)

Part of debian-multimedia

and Ubuntu

One of the best video players You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic with some additional configuration
Xine (Totem)
Part of distributiveAnother one good video player It is installed by default in both Ubuntu and Debian
Work with QuickTime format
QuickTime (quicktime4linux)
Libraries required to play and create video files in QuickTime format Detailed installation instruction would be available soon in separate article
Mplayer + Sorenson codec
Part of distributiveMplayer is one of the best video players It is installed by default in both Ubuntu and Debian with addtional configuration (adding debian-multimedia packages)
Libraries required to play and create video files in QuickTime format
Detailed installation instruction would be available soon in separate article
Part of distributiveCinePaint is used to retouch feature films and in pro photography. CinePaint opens high fidelity image file formats such as DPX, 16-bit TIFF, and OpenEXR, and conventional formats like JPEG and PNG. It has a flipbook for movie playback of image sequences in RAM. It supports 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit color channels, HDR and CMS. You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic
Plugins for Gimp (gimp-gap)
Part of distributiveGAP is a collection of plug-ins to extend the GIMP with capabilities to edit and create animations and movies as sequences of single frames. It adds a Video menu to image windows in the GIMP.
You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic
Synfig download Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources.
Detailed installation instruction would be available soon in separate article. Installed by default in the Ubuntustudio.
Landscape / terrain generation
Part of Debian distributive Allows you to create a fractal terrain (also called a height field)
and transform it using a number of algorithms.
You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic
Office suite
OpenOffice Part of distributiveOpenOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.
It is installed by default in both Debian (GUI version) and Ubuntu
Professional video production enviroment

download CV

download HV

Cinelerra is the most advanced non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux. Detailed installation instruction would be available soon in the article about Cinelerra installation
Professional audio production enviroment

Part of the Ubuntustudio distributive


Ardour is multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It could be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups.
Installed by default in the Ubuntustudio. Detailed installation instruction would be available soon in the article.
Part of the distributive
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor for Linux/Unix, MacOS and Windows. It is designed for easy recording, playing and editing of digital audio. Audacity features digital effects and spectrum analysis tools. Editing is very fast and provides unlimited
You may install it using apt-get package manager or Synaptic. Installed by default in the Ubuntustudio
Part of the distributive
Low-latency sound server. JACK allows the connection of multiple applications
to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves.
Installed by default in Ubuntustudio, requires installation throughapt-get or Synaptic in Ubuntu and Debian