Blender-2.45: How to Create Textures Using Script-Py «Randomize Loc Size Rot» Print


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In previous article we described how to make a texture using particles. In this article we'll describe another simple and effective method.

1. Create a scene, the same scene as in the previous example. For lighting we use two lamps: Area for shadows and simple Lamp for lighting. The camera is located on Z axis and directed downwards, «Orthographic» mode is activated (see the attached .blend file for more details).

2. Add a plane, subdivide it several times and scale it to the size of the active camera view (fig.1). This plane will serve as a background and as an origin of vertices when we will use Dupliverts.

Figure 1
Figure 1

3. Create an arrow (you can use any other model: leaves, stones and so on). The model should be placed in the centre of our plane. At first, select the arrow, then holding Shift, select the plane and make parent (Ctrl+P). Enter the «Anim settings» panel (F7) and activate the «Dupliverts» button. The duplicates should appear on every vertice of our plane. If something goes wrong see Blender Documentation Volume I - User Guide, the «DupliVerts» section. Then, we should make the duplicates real: just press «Shift+Ctrl+A» and don't forget to delete the original object.

4. The script «Randomize Loc Size Rot» (Scripts window >> Object >> Randomize Loc Size Rot) works with objects of any kind. This script can move, scale and rotate them in direction of XYZ axes. The parameters of rotation can be set from 0 to 360 degrees. The parameters of location and size are indicated in Blender units from 0 to 100, that is why it is better to set them from 0 to 1.

Select all objects you want to edit with border select tool «B». Open the script and set any values you like, keeping in mind the limitations that were described above. Press «Ok» and see the result. :)

Figure 2

Tip: If you want to get an advanced texture, render several images with a transparent background and with different parameters of location, rotation and size. Then merge the layers in raster editor.


 ChaosScript.blend.zip91 Kb