End User License Agreement
You should carefully read the terms and conditions before downloading any content from the assistcg.com website. "Content" refers to any material published at the assistcg.com website including textures, plug-ins, video, tutorials, models, files, collections, materials, films, music, images, software, frequently asked questions, and so on. Download (use) of the content is carried out on a subscription bases. The current "subscription plan" authorize the use of all website's content without limitation during the time the subscription has been made. Our content is royalty-free and may be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. All content is marked with copyright in the corner of every image (which doesn't affect the image's quality). Download (use) of our content implies that you have already read the End User License Agreement and accepted the terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
- You can use our content in your own works, whether for commercial or non-commercial use. - You can sell, redistribute our content as part of printed work /cd-covers, posters, postcards etc./. - You can modify the content obtained from the assistcg.com website in any way you like. - When using educational materials (tutorials) of the assistcg.com website on other websites, the active link to the http://www.assistcg.com/ website is required. - You can't put our content on your own website or sell and give them to others as a collection. To sell and disribute our content significant modifications must be made.
- The creators of this website are not liable for damages that may arise when using or downloading the content contained on the pages of this site. - The users acknowledge that they assume all responsibility for using the products of this site.
We reserve the right to modify or revise these Terms of Use at any time.